
Entry1  Imerina
Part of speech  2  name (toponym)
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Teny ilazana ny tany ambony havoana "manerinerina" itoeran' ny Merina, izany hoe ny foko eto afovoan' ny Nosy [1.1]
Explanations in English  4  the district in the central part of the island inhabited by the Hova, not including Vonizongo and Vakinankaratra, which are only included in Imerina enin-toko. Comp. Erina. [1.2]5  the inland of Madagascar around Tananarive [1.7]
Examples  6  Ny mpifindra monina avy tany imerina. [2.508]
7  Izahay eto imerina no solon-dray aman-dreninao. [2.528]
Synonyms  8  ankova, ankova
Compound words 
Proverbs  15  Proverbs containing the word Imerina
Tables and plates  16  Full list

Anagrams  17  enimira, Imerina, mierina

Updated on 2023/08/25